Thursday, February 01, 2007

How To Catch A Predator

This article from the Columbia Journalism Review is about Dateline's popular "To Catch A Predator" series. The typical segment involves a Dateline crew and several police officers awaiting the arrival of men who believe they are having a rendezvous with a minor. Recently, a Texas prosecutor was caught engaging in sexually provocative text messaging with a person posing as a minor. Though the prosecutor did not go to the sting, when police went to his house in order to arrest him, the suspect shot himself in the head.

The article also has several transcripts of the Internet conversations, where it appears that the person posing as a minor actively flirts with the suspects and seems to initiate a date where they can meet.

FYI: The author of the article thinks the show has crossed "journalistic lines."

Read it here.

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