Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stalin and the Half-Man, Half-Ape Super Warrior

In 1926, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered Ilya Ivanov, Tsar Nicholas's horse breeder, to create an army of half-man, half-chimpanzee soldiers to replenish the losses the Red Army suffered during the end of the World War I and the Russian Revolution. Reportedly, Mr. Stalin asked Mr. Ivanov for "a new invincible being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat."

Mr. Ivanov went to Africa in order to begin his first experiments of inseminating chimpanzees with human sperm. Meanwhile, a center for inter-species breeding was established in Mr. Stalin's native homeland of Georgia, where human volunteers were inseminated with chimpanzee sperm. Unfortunately, these experiments all resulted in failure.

Mr. Ivanov was punished for his incompetence by being sentenced to five year's exile in the Soviet Republic of Kazahkstan, where he reportedly died waiting for a train on a freezing platform (much like lauded Russian novelist Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoi).

The article is here.

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